Journal Muzika was initiated in 1997 as a result of joint efforts by Society of Musicology of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Academy of Music in Sarajevo. The idea of forming a periodical where the outcomes of musicological research, as well as writings and discussions about music, would take place, was a consequence of strategic artistic work on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina emerging throughout the previous decades. From the very beginning, the programme conception of the journal was directed towards thorough studies of musical phenomena in Bosnia and Herzegovina, region and the world, which were seen from the angle of musicological, ethnomusicological, theoretical and paedagogical research. With music experts as its primary readers, the journal has made significant efforts in approaching wider reading public through articles concerning current affairs. The ideas of Muzika and its role in the Bosnian and Herzegovinian society and music life, structured with great ambition, have made this journal one of its kind on the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In terms of contents, the journal consists of four main parts. Its central part named Original scientific papers presents latest achievements in music research with the strong base in original theoretical and empirical research, whereas the Author reviews and Acknowledgement papers present scientific studies with the purpose of spreading the musicological knowledge and presenting the musicological issues to the public. The fourth part aims to inform about the most recent events in musical life of Bosnia and Herzegovina and region through reviews, presentations, interviews and reports.
Muzika has been indexed in Répertoir International de Litérature Musical (RILM, New York, USA), and one of the main aims of the editorial board is to structure the periodical according to the contemporary standards and measures which would enable its entrance into the international citation databases. Therefore, particular attention is directed towards providing the quality of received papers, which is achieved through ‘blind reviews’ conducted by eminent Bosnian-Herzegovinian and world-renowned experts.
With its publishing frequency being semiannual, Muzika has been a periodical where music writers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as authors from neighbouring countries and countries within and outside European continent were able to publish their papers, and so far there have been hundreds of papers from authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, as well as Austria, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Great Britain and USA. The papers are being published in Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian and English languages with summaries in English.