We are happy to remind you that direct access to the Symposium sessions for all participants and the audience will be available through Zoom, with the following access link:
Topic: 13th Musicological Symposium "Music in Society"
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86474879374
Links for the audience are available on the websites of the Musicological Society www.muzikolsko-drustvo.ba and the Academy of Music www.mas.unsa.ba.
Live stream of the Symposium will be available at our YouTube Channel – MD FBIH, and at our Facebook page – Muzikološko društvo.
For the audience, in addition to Zoom, the stream of the entire program will be available on the YouTube channel of the Musicological Society (MD FBIH) and on the MDFBIH Facebook page.
You can download the Symposium program here in pdf format:
More details and access information can be found in the text below.
Organizing Committee of the 13th International Symposium "Music in Society"
Access - Technical Information
We will welcome the participants joining us in Sarajevo on Wednesday morning at the Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo (Josipa Stadlera 1, 2nd floor). Registration (8:00-11:00 CET) and the first session of the Music Research Begins with the Rs workshop (9:00-10:30) will occur at this time, while the first working session of the Symposium begins at 11:00.
The entire program of the first and fourth day of the Symposium takes place on the premises of the Academy of Music, while on the second and third day we will work in the Gazi Husrev-bey's Library, the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo, and the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have indicated their locations in the Symposium’s program, and you can find them by following the links (listed below).
We kindly ask you to send the materials accompanying your presentation (audio recordings, presentations, videos, etc.,) to our technical team at least one day before your presentation, by email to the address symposium@muzikolosko-drustvo.ba. If you are unable to send it by that time, latest delivery is at the location of your presentation, before the first segment of the conference at that location begins.
For those participants joining us via Zoom, the access link is as follows:
Topic: 13th Musicological Symposium "Music in Society"
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86474879374
This link is valid for participants as well as the audience. The same link is valid for all four days of the Symposium. Please note that all times for the symposium are in Central European Time (CET)
After clicking on the link, a window will appear with space to enter your name and surname, as well as an email address for possible verification. Please enter your full name here, as this is what will be seen by participants. When accessing the session, please have the camera enabled. In this phase, you will be shown as an audience member (observer), and you will not be able to turn on your video oraudio.
Once the administrator has noted the presence of the participants, and it is time for them to join the panel, he will promote them to ‘panelist’, and provide a verbal announcement. At this time, the panelist will appear in front of the audience with their image and sound on. The panelists will have a "share screen" option, as well as the other usual options for Zoom communications enabled.
After the session, the administrator will return the panelists to the observer position. Observers who wish to participate in the discussion will be able to request the floor by sending a message in the Q&A window or by giving a signal ("raise hand").
Links for the audience are available on the websites of the Musicological Society www.muzikolsko-drustvo.ba and the Academy of Music www.mas.unsa.ba.
Live stream of the Symposium will be available at our YoutTube Channel – MD FBIH , and at our Facebook page – Muzikološko društvo.
If you have additional questions, you can contact us at: symposium@muzikolosko-drustvo.ba or +387 62 204 906 or +387 62 971 174.
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86474879374
Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Muzička akademija
University of Sarajevo – Academy of Music
Josipa Stadlera 1/II
Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Rektorat
University of Sarajevo – Rectorate
Obala Kulina bana 7/II
Gazi Husrev-begova biblioteka
Gazi Husrev-bey’s Library
Ulica Gazi Husrev-begova 46
Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine
National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zmaja od Bosne 3
Muzikološko društvo
Musicological Society
Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Muzička akademija University of Sarajevo – Academy of Music Josipa Stadlera 1/II
Mob. / Whatsapp. / Viber: +387 62 204 906
Muzikološko društvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine
Musicological Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Josipa Stadlera 1/II
71000 Sarajevo
E. info@muzikolosko-drustvo.ba
T. +387 33 200 299
M. +387 62 971 174
13. Međunarodni simpozij MUZIKA U DRUŠTVU
13th International Symposium MUSIC IN SOCIETY
Sarajevo, 7-10 December 2022
E. symposium@muzikolosko-drustvo.ba