Sarajevo, 24-26 October 2024
Call for Papers
Musicological Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo
Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo
Josipa Stadlera 1/2, Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Musicological Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo announce a call for papers for the 14h International Symposium "Music in Society." The Symposium traditionally brings together musicologists, ethnomusicologists, theorists, music educators and experts in related fields exploring topical issues of music and musicology. The general theme of “Music in Society” indicates interest in the multidimensional, diversified and transdisciplinary discourse of contemporary musical science and offers a platform for sharing recent research results.
Interested parties are invited to send their applications, which will be organized according to the offered areas and topics:
• Digital ethno/musicology
• Music and minorities
• Meaning in music
• Historical, critical and interpretative-creative aspects of music theory
• Music theory as an academic and pedagogical discipline
• Musical perception and cognition
• New research
Program Committee:
Dr. Valida Akšamija-Tvrtković, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Dr. Amra Bosnić, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Dr. Richard Cangro, Western Illinois University, USA
Dr. Nataša Crnjanski, University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts, Serbia
Dr. Merima Čaušević, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Sarajevo, BiH
Dr. Fatima Hadžić, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Dr. Nerma Hodžić-Mulabegović, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Dr. Naida Hukić, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Dr. Igor Karača, Oklahoma State University, USA
Dr. Tamara Karača Beljak, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Dr. Senad Kazić, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Dr. Thomas Nussbaumer, Universität Mozarteum Salzburg (Innsbruck), Austria
Dr. Amila Ramović, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Dr. Leon Stefanija, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy, Slovenia
Dr. Lana Šehović, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Dr. Jasmina Talam, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Music, BiH
Prof. Emer. Dr. Stanislav Tuksar, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatia
The languages of the symposium are Bosnian/ Croatian/ Serbian and English.
The registration fee is € 50 (€ 30 for members of the Musicological Society of FBiH) and includes a program booklet and other working materials, as well as a joint lunch/dinner organised for the symposium participants.
The organizers do not cover the costs of travel and accommodation.
Reviewed papers will be published in the Collection of Papers of the 14th International Symposium “Music in Society” (English or B/C/S version), indexed in the RILM and EBSCO databases.
Applications should be submitted through the attached form by 30 April, 2024 at the e-mail address symposium@muzikolosko-drustvo.ba.
The form can be downloaded in .doc i .pdf formats.
The Program Committee will inform the applicants if their paper was accepted by 20 May, 2024. Information on the program and registration will be announced after this date.
For more information, please contact symposium@muzikolosko-drustvo.ba.
Kindly share this invitation with other colleagues, and hope to meet you in Sarajevo in October!
Information on the Symposium will be available via our official channels: