Vice Dean for International Cooperation
Dr. Amila Ramović, Associate Professor
Academy of Music
University of Sarajevo
Josipa Štadlera 1
71 OOO Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
T. +387 33 2OO 299
F. +387 33 444 896
M. +387 62 971 174
The Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo is an institution with a strong commitment to the internationalization of its activities, and a highly active office for international cooperation.
These activities are being carried out on several levels, through: the mobility of students and teaching and non-teaching staff, participation in international partnership projects, implementation of its own international projects, individual initiation and participation by teaching staff in international projects, as well as strategic planning and strengthening partner relations with the aim of further institutional development.
By joining the AEC (European Association of Music Conservatories), a platform for networking and promoting the activities of relevant higher education institutions in the European area, during the siege of Sarajevo, the Academy became an active participant in activities in higher music education in Europe, with a number of cooperation projects and a special focus on the exchange of teaching and non-teaching staff.
Today, mobility projects are carried out through bilateral agreements with partner institutions, most of which are implemented within Erasmus+, CEEPUS, along with other academic mobility programs.
These exchanges are currently carried out with 25 partner institutions from 12 European countries:
Monte Negro
The Netherlands
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi (ÇOMÜ) (bilateralni) - https://www.comu.edu.tr
İstanbul Üniversitesi (Erasmus+) - https://www.istanbul.edu.tr/
In addition to study mobility, students regularly participate in international Erasmus+ and similar artistic-pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical projects, such as orchestras, summer schools, etc (MEDINEA - Mediterranean Youth Orchestra, France, NoViArt, Italy, Philharmonic Orchestra for New Bridges, Serbia, CEMAN, Italy, International Cultural Heritage Summer School, Italy, and others).
In2021 the Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo became one of the founding members of WoCE, The Winds of Central Europe CEEPUS network, along with the Ferenc Liszt Academy from Budapest, the Faculty of Music from Belgrade, the Academy of Music in Zagreb, and the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, creating mobility opportunities for students and teachers in the fields of wind instruments and percussion.
The Academy accomplishes its commitment to internationalization through the international character of a series of activities it carries out in the artistic, scientific, and pedagogical fields. In cooperation with the Musicological Society, the Academy has been organizing the International Musicological Symposium "Music in Society'' for a quarter of a century. The works of experts from abroad are regularly published in the Journal of Musical Culture Music and in the Music in Society - The Collection of Papers, both internationally recognized and indexed serial academic publications.
As part of its productions, the Academy organizes the annual May Music Festival, dedicated to the promotion of the artistic achievements of teaching staff and students, as well as visiting teachers, partners and guests, which, along with the regular activities of the MAS Concert Season, making both these programs among the most important musical events in Sarajevo. The international spirit is brought to the Academy through partner festivals with accompanying educational programs, Sonemus and Sarajevo International Guitar Festival, which promote excellence in the specialised fields of contemporary music and guitar performance. In past years, the Academy has also produced the Sarajevo Chamber Music Festival, in cooperation with the Manhattan String Quartet (2012-2016) and the Sarajevo Sonic Studio, dedicated to the work of major composers of the present day (John Cage, Heiner Goebbels, Vinko Globokar, Peter Ablinger, Philippe Manoury, 2012-2014).
In the field of pedagogy, the Creative Workshops Share the Knowledge stimulate the exchange between students of regional academies and encourage excellence in the public activities of students at a regional level.
In addition to the above, the Academy has implemented several key infrastructure projects in the past, such as "Widening participation on the road to membership", financed by SIDA, and the Tempus project "Introducing multidisciplinarity in music education".
The Academy of Music at the University of Sarajevo remains strategically oriented towards developing its international activities. It remains available to interested partners to create new networks, initiatives, and joint projects.
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Vice Dean for the International Cooperation
Prof. dr. Amila Ramović